New Caledonia Weather and New Caledonia Tides

Quick Weather Analysis for New Caledonia

1. Check todays satellite analysis chart

2.Check the Meteo France wind and tide forecast. Click on the yellow dot for the area you are interested in or use the drop-down box to go to a different part of New Caledonia. Click on the day of the week in the blue bar on the top of the table to see the wind, rain, cloud cover and tides for that day. Point to the plot of the wind speed to see details of the wind for that time.

3. Check an animated 9 day overview of the weather on Or the alternative

This amazing global weather animation gives you an instant overview of the winds, wind gusts, temperature, pressure, cloud cover, rain, lightning storms, humidity, waves, ocean currents, weather radar, satellite images    and sea surface temperature, for 9 days with 5 different weather models. If you click on the Play arrow on the bottom left you will see the animated weather systems move through the next 9 days. Or click on a day and time to stop the animation then. Click on a location for deails of that location including graphs of wind, temperature, rainfall, waves, sunset and sunrise. In the local data graphs you can "compare forecasts" to get an idea of how predictable the weather is. You will love this site no matter where you are on the planet.

4. Radar animation For a quick look around to see rain coming your way in the next few hours. For example before you hang out the laundry to dry. uses the New Caledonia radar system with a much clearer display.    

5. Do a quick check on expected wind, rain and temperature- The bar at the top of the chart window shows 4 days of the week. Click on a day and select a time. Use the white drop down box in the blue top border to see more detail for a particular locaton.

UV is often severe in New Caledonia and you need to protect yourself with good polaroid sungalsses, protective clothing, and sun cream. Meteo France gives the UV Index daily and it is often above the WHO upper limit for dangerous UV radiation.           

6. Satellite image animation Gives a good idea of weather system movements near New Caledonia. But the Wind animation is much easier to understand in terms of winds.

7. Animated wind, rain, cloud, wave graphs.For wind arrows (gribs), rain forecasts and weather details for the South West Pacific, New Caledonia and Vanuatu or locally in New Caledonia visit this Meteo France page.

8. Tropical Tidbits - During the cyclone season you can check a summary of current storm information and a composite of projected tracks on this site. Best of the Tropical Storm Sites.

New Caledonia Tide Tables

New Caledonia Noumea Tide Tables and Moon Calendar for planning your cruises

New Caledonia Media Weather

Noumea FM Radio Weather
(89 FM) 05:58, 14:58

TV Weather Tele Nouvelle Caledonie -before and after the evening news.

New Caledonia VHF CH 66 Radio Weather Schedule -

The 17 coastal VHF stations broadcast the Weather bulletin for the lagoon on Ch 66 every hour. To prevent interference, the stations broacast at different intervals. If your yacht is within range of two stations you'll hear the lagoon bulletin twice every hour. The high seas forecast is broadcast 12 minutes after the lagoon bulletin.

The Cruising Guide to New Caledonia has the broadcast times for every anchorage as well as a graphic chart showing VHF coverage in the lagoon and out to sea.