Cruising Plans in New Caledonia

The Cruising Guide to New Caledonia provides detailed descriptions of over 212 anchorages and 237 GPS routes throughout all of New Caledonia, including all of Grande Terre, the Isle of Pines, the Loyalty Islands, and the reefs to the north of Grande Terre.

This enclyclopedia of nautical information about New Caledonia offers unparalled freedom to design a cruise plan of your choice.

Where one decides to go depends to a great deal on personal goals. Some people want to spend as much time as possible actually sailing, others want to spend less time sailing and more time exploring wilderness trails or lagoon islands, some want to fish, go surfing, kite surf, wind surf, snorkel or dive. Others just want to relax and picnic on a beautiful deserted beach.

The Cruising Guide to New Caledonia has a selection of proposed itineraries - but to whet your appetite, here are 3 day and 5 day cruise plans that start and ending in Noumea

(IMPORTANT : These routes are shown on Google Maps and the geographic coordinates of Google Maps is inaccurate in New Caledonia so you must consider these routes as general indications only, not accurate cruising routes. Also, the satellite imagery on Google Maps is inferior to the aerial images on the Cruising Guide to New Caledonia so if you want accurate and safe information for your cruise, order the Cruising Guide to New Caledonia to plan your boating holiday in New Caledonia).

3 Day Western Lagoon Island Cruise.

5 Day South Lagoon and Baie du Prony Cruise